lørdag den 19. marts 2016

The Tourist!

So since last, i have played the role as a tourist!

two day ago I Went out, and asked for a good place to go, and two guys told me about a place i should go.

SO Seoul.... Where to go!

So with a screen shot of a map, I went on my way.

When I arrived i was like "you´re Shitting me right?"

Bu here goes, so i want  in:
Still nothing?

Okay thats it, i´m leaving, im not gonna be in the korean Version of Saw.

 Wait..... is that music?

SO, trough a big steel door. Was in fact a very nice bar :D
looked like one of the most hipster places you can find in Denmark, and they played very good music :D
Everything from Bech, to Beatles.
Forgot to take a picture of the bar.
Met these really nice people.
They guy in Wu-Tang, saw my Slayer t-shirt, i was like " I LOVE SLAYER"
And i sat at their Tabel.

The Guy on the left "Insik Rheespoke the best english, so most conversation was with him.
He owns a cafe, near one of the tempel, The girl is a teacher, and the WU-tang guy is a rapper.

He told med he really liked the Danish actor "Brian Mikkelsen", after a little confusion, we figured he ment "Mads Mikkelsen", he apparently met him once.

The next day, i looked up Architecture companies, and went to visit one.
I cam in and asked if i could sit and work at a tabel, and they told me i could sit in the canteen.

After a few hours, the word had spread, and all of the sudden a few people were down to say hellow.
Very nice people, talk a lot to this guy  Christopher Ro, Very Nice guy From New York, Architecture, and plays the drums.

After a few hours, i felt like i hade used out my welcome, so i packed up and went out to the streets again.

And the weather was LOVELY!

Time to play Tourist!



So until next time
To all you at home..... I´m safe XD!

onsdag den 16. marts 2016

Where to go today :D

After sleeping in today (Finally got my sleep pattern adjusted to the time).

Last night i was very tired, so just went to get some food, and a beer.
SO i have actually been sleeping since that :D

The streets are very cosy down here, and on every corner you can get something to eat.

Bibidipab! (i think its spelled).
The woman serving me, tried to explain me, that you just stir everything together, and por some spices on top.

I was halfway trough the dish, using chopsticks, when i realized, that to locals just eat it with a spoon.
(The soup were in particular tricky XD)

Dont know what the stuff i tough was chips are called, but they tasted lige sweet Styrofoam XD

A few pictures from my site :)
The funny thing about this, beneath this raised street, is VERY busy, cars, a lot of shops, and other stuff were going on, but on the raised floor, street.
Nothing...... it was so peacefully and quite.
So weird, when you know, that you are in the middle of such a big city, and you have this quiet place.

This i definitely something i want to explore more. also, here you have sunlight......!

GREETINGS from the Future!!!
Or to say, that im 8 hours ahead of most people reading this XD

So Now im in Seoul.
Some are still confused what im doing here.
Nut ill get in to that.

To continue, from Frankfurt, to soul is quite a long fight.
But i must say, They have taste in that company :D
Just look what was on the Entertainment system

And Apparently everybody could agree:

So everything from Documentarys about youtube and Banksy to Gravity and Spaceballs.
I didn´t sleep much XD

The food already starts getting funny:
 And it tasted great....Except:

This crap (literally it was Crab, in some sauce XD)
It tasted horrible.
 (dont eat this XD)

But everything has went smooth so far.
 Seun Sangga: 1967

The bus stop right outside the complex where i´m doing my thesis Project For the School of Architecture in  Aarhus-
Im trying to see in i trough study and analysis, can make this complex into something more fitting for the time.

My room though, Dosnt REALLY look like the picture XD
Look how cosy:D
 And that view!!!

But at least there is free slippers included XD

But so far, im i seoul.
Going to see what food can tempt me today.
And tomorrow ill be working on school Project :D

tirsdag den 15. marts 2016


Apparently everybody is a Blogger.

So why not me :D

Here ill trow up a lot of stuff ill see during this month i Korea:

My trip so far.
 I´m in Hamburg waiting for my plane :!

Met a girl in the train....
Don´t really think she knew what personal boundaries were, cause for some reason I know now she studies medicin, and is very interested in ....... something with the body....
that she finds.... very interesseting.
That she had to tell it to the whole train wagon (So much for doctor confidentiality)

And this nice guy in Germany going to London,

I don´t know if i should feel offended that the security did a drug swipe on my stuff XD

Random stuff from today:
And exampels of German humor!
 Secon coffee break!

 Jodel in germany:  HAHAHAHAHhhahah.........................I dont get it......

Yup, that is printet on the inside.

And Guess What!!!
A little Architechture!!!