onsdag den 16. marts 2016

Where to go today :D

After sleeping in today (Finally got my sleep pattern adjusted to the time).

Last night i was very tired, so just went to get some food, and a beer.
SO i have actually been sleeping since that :D

The streets are very cosy down here, and on every corner you can get something to eat.

Bibidipab! (i think its spelled).
The woman serving me, tried to explain me, that you just stir everything together, and por some spices on top.

I was halfway trough the dish, using chopsticks, when i realized, that to locals just eat it with a spoon.
(The soup were in particular tricky XD)

Dont know what the stuff i tough was chips are called, but they tasted lige sweet Styrofoam XD

A few pictures from my site :)
The funny thing about this, beneath this raised street, is VERY busy, cars, a lot of shops, and other stuff were going on, but on the raised floor, street.
Nothing...... it was so peacefully and quite.
So weird, when you know, that you are in the middle of such a big city, and you have this quiet place.

This i definitely something i want to explore more. also, here you have sunlight......!

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