lørdag den 19. marts 2016

The Tourist!

So since last, i have played the role as a tourist!

two day ago I Went out, and asked for a good place to go, and two guys told me about a place i should go.

SO Seoul.... Where to go!

So with a screen shot of a map, I went on my way.

When I arrived i was like "you´re Shitting me right?"

Bu here goes, so i want  in:
Still nothing?

Okay thats it, i´m leaving, im not gonna be in the korean Version of Saw.

 Wait..... is that music?

SO, trough a big steel door. Was in fact a very nice bar :D
looked like one of the most hipster places you can find in Denmark, and they played very good music :D
Everything from Bech, to Beatles.
Forgot to take a picture of the bar.
Met these really nice people.
They guy in Wu-Tang, saw my Slayer t-shirt, i was like " I LOVE SLAYER"
And i sat at their Tabel.

The Guy on the left "Insik Rheespoke the best english, so most conversation was with him.
He owns a cafe, near one of the tempel, The girl is a teacher, and the WU-tang guy is a rapper.

He told med he really liked the Danish actor "Brian Mikkelsen", after a little confusion, we figured he ment "Mads Mikkelsen", he apparently met him once.

The next day, i looked up Architecture companies, and went to visit one.
I cam in and asked if i could sit and work at a tabel, and they told me i could sit in the canteen.

After a few hours, the word had spread, and all of the sudden a few people were down to say hellow.
Very nice people, talk a lot to this guy  Christopher Ro, Very Nice guy From New York, Architecture, and plays the drums.

After a few hours, i felt like i hade used out my welcome, so i packed up and went out to the streets again.

And the weather was LOVELY!

Time to play Tourist!



So until next time
To all you at home..... I´m safe XD!

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