onsdag den 16. marts 2016

GREETINGS from the Future!!!
Or to say, that im 8 hours ahead of most people reading this XD

So Now im in Seoul.
Some are still confused what im doing here.
Nut ill get in to that.

To continue, from Frankfurt, to soul is quite a long fight.
But i must say, They have taste in that company :D
Just look what was on the Entertainment system

And Apparently everybody could agree:

So everything from Documentarys about youtube and Banksy to Gravity and Spaceballs.
I didn´t sleep much XD

The food already starts getting funny:
 And it tasted great....Except:

This crap (literally it was Crab, in some sauce XD)
It tasted horrible.
 (dont eat this XD)

But everything has went smooth so far.
 Seun Sangga: 1967

The bus stop right outside the complex where i´m doing my thesis Project For the School of Architecture in  Aarhus-
Im trying to see in i trough study and analysis, can make this complex into something more fitting for the time.

My room though, Dosnt REALLY look like the picture XD
Look how cosy:D
 And that view!!!

But at least there is free slippers included XD

But so far, im i seoul.
Going to see what food can tempt me today.
And tomorrow ill be working on school Project :D

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