tirsdag den 15. marts 2016


Apparently everybody is a Blogger.

So why not me :D

Here ill trow up a lot of stuff ill see during this month i Korea:

My trip so far.
 I´m in Hamburg waiting for my plane :!

Met a girl in the train....
Don´t really think she knew what personal boundaries were, cause for some reason I know now she studies medicin, and is very interested in ....... something with the body....
that she finds.... very interesseting.
That she had to tell it to the whole train wagon (So much for doctor confidentiality)

And this nice guy in Germany going to London,

I don´t know if i should feel offended that the security did a drug swipe on my stuff XD

Random stuff from today:
And exampels of German humor!
 Secon coffee break!

 Jodel in germany:  HAHAHAHAHhhahah.........................I dont get it......

Yup, that is printet on the inside.

And Guess What!!!
A little Architechture!!!

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